Hey, it's Friday. Wanna watch some cartoons?
• I Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Chris Casady and Carol Lay, 2020, 2 min)
In 2005, Rick Moranis recorded the perfect anthem for 2020. Now his song parody of I've Been Everywhere has a timely music video.
• The Fish (PES, 2019, 1 min)
Stop motion animator Adam Pesapane, known as PES, wrote and directed this statement on marine plastic pollution for environmental organization, Parley. Followed by a making-of video.
• Scrambled (Polder Animation, 2017, 7 min)
Rubix cube vs. video game. Note that there isn't any language in this short, even in the signage. Shorts that don't require translation are easier to enter in competitions around the world. This one picked up a few prizes in its travels.