Mar 11, 2022


As we approach the two-year anniversary of Creating Fashion with Laurel, one of our videos has just broken a thousand views on YouTube!

I thought the first to reach 1K might be Episode 8, "How to Sew a Convertible Collar", which has been steadily climbing, recently passing 800 views.

When I looked at the numbers yesterday, I saw that a video we posted all the way back in June 2020 has suddenly shot up to 1,185 views. It's this one...

In the video (part one of Episode 2), Laurel introduces hand-rolled scarves as a glamorous alternative to masks. The recent relaxing of mask mandates may have something to do with the boost in attention.

Thank you for continuing to check out the show. With every episode, my mother and I get a little better at this. I guess there's no predicting what the numbers are going to do. We'll just keep making more.