Feb 27, 2018

Festival recap

The Philadelphia Independents 2018 animation festival was a blast. It was great to see the animators back at the club, cheered on by a large crowd of enthusiasts.

Terror Train went over well. I'm going to do some more work on it before I post it, just to tidy up the bits that were rushed to make the deadline. In the meantime, here are some highlights from Saturday.

Rusty Eveland showed his animated grocery carts and talked about animating in public places. Lynn Tomlinson discussed producing music for her films and her clay-painting technique.

Zoe Nowoslawski and Nichola Latzgo recalled the inspirations for their story ideas and Amy Hicks described her process of turning novels into movie flipbooks. Chris Ferrantello shared his animated collages and fellow club member Bob Moore was present to share his animated design work.

Karl Staven told us how he animated the shadows of a tree in his yard before it was removed. Oona Taper described her process of animating objects and rotoscoping. Samantha Gurry showed us animated trading cards for bowlers last year, and this year floppy disks.

There were music videos from Steve Meyer/Jack Kubizne and "art-rock" band Tulipomania. Sci-fi action was provided by Erik Van Horn.

Boxhead and Roundhead by Elliot Cowan were back with a new adventure. The pilot episode of Found Town was submitted from the other side of the world by Tokyo resident Ryan Gilchrist.

There was live-action with animated highlights by Chris McDonnell, kaleidoscopic footage of Philadelphia taken with a GoPro on a motorcycle by Lowell Boston, and a tale from Philadelphia's youth by John Serpentelli.

Curator and host Chris Magee has posted photos from the event. Many thanks are owed to Chris for making this festival possible and gathering the animators every year for the past five years. I'm glad to say I've attended all five and shown work in three. We now have a full year to animate something new for the next one.