Fellow Philadelphia Cartoonist Society members Jamar Nicholas and Mike Manley have started a video series on Facebook called Pencil to Pencil.
If you enjoy listening to local cartoonists talk shop (I sure do), then you'll dig this show. Mike and Jamar also produce the long-running DRAW! magazine, through which they've interviewed many a professional artist.
I just finished watching this episode, their interview with another member of the Philly Toon Society, the amazing Christine Larsen. I have one of her works on my wall that made a cameo here, back in this post.
Christine talks about pens and inks, inking techniques, teaching cartooning, and my favorite subject, hand lettering vs. computer lettering, which starts around 1:40:00.
Next, I'm going to watch this one with Philadelphia Inquirer political cartoonist, Signe Wilkinson and this one with professional comic book craftsman Mike Hawthorne (Hey, I went to college with that guy!) on their Pencil to Pencil podcast site.