Feb 23, 2021

State of the market

For fans of Philadelphia's Reading Terminal Market, this article in Routers appeared yesterday with an update on how they're doing. Sounds like they're hanging in there, but only just.

The good news is, according to ABC News, more than a dozen businesses in the farmers' market recieved a $3,000 forgivable loan from a Pennsylvania non-profit earlier in the month.

Reading Terminal has been open throughout the pandemic, aided by donations from their GoFundMe page. The Daily Pennsylvanian has more on Annie Allman, the new general manager and how she's focussed on increasing foot traffic.

Back in the before times, whenever I missed my evening train home, I'd trudge up to the market, sit at Olympia Gyro, and be greeted by the friendly staff with, "miss your train again?"

They knew my usual and would often start making it as I sat down. Knowing I'd get a good dinner out of it, I missed that train at least twice a week. I think I'll make a donation to the possibility of a future sandwich.