May 17, 2022

Toon-o-gram eleven

Back in 2020 when everyone was still living in isolation, president of The Plastic Club Susan Ploeg suggested that club members create and mail art cards to each other.

She proposed that each postcard be a "visual conversation", started by the sender and completed by the recipient, who would then mail it back.

It was a great idea that I anxiously volunteered to try and Susan and I were soon zapping cards back and forth. You can read about the process and see all of our cards in this series of posts.

Susan maintained art card correspondence with several members of the club for much of the year and until just recently, those cards have been on display in the glass vitrene at The Plastic Club gallery.

Susan, Carla Stine, and TL Cheung did an amazing job of gathering and arranging the forty-plus pandemic postcards created by club members during this unique time in the club's history.

In case you missed it, it looked like this:

Photo by TL Cheung

top, click photo to enlarge

upper shelf, click photo to enlarge

lower shelf, click photo to enlarge

Cover design by TL Cheung

They even put together a book illustrating the collaborative process by which the cards were created. Here are two excerpts from the book:

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge

And you'd think that would be the final bow, bringing a project that was highly valued by the artists involved to a worthy conclusion. But then this arrived in my mailbox last week, an original work from an inspired fellow club member: