Jun 7, 2023


My day job is owned by Informa, a British organization that is good about donating to charities. They offer employees time off from work to use for volunteering, which is how I got started making videos for nonprofit CEFN.

Yesterday, my co-workers and I were walking Kelly Drive near the Philadelphia Museum of Art to raise money for Philabundance. After the walk, I took this photo:

My just walking around didn't raise any money, as you can see from my fundraising page, currently resting at $0.

I'm going to donate some money via that page because I like Philabundance and that they fight hunger in Philadelphia. I've volunteered at one of their facilities and was impressed by how they sort and distribute food items.

If you'd like to donate as well, here's an opportunity. They use donations to purchase food and just $5 means one more box of pasta or can of soup for a hungry family in Philadelphia.